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Casem Abulughod

Casem AbuLughod loves to create bold, unique characters and never gives less than one hundred percent in any game. His generous spirit on and off stage make him one our most beloved cast members. Usually bearded, often vested, always huggable, this experienced improviser and teacher of hundreds of Monkey Business students has a name that rhymes with awesome and he is nothing less than that.

Brad Knight

Brad Knight is the co-founder of Monkey Business Institute. A brilliant and passionate improviser, Brad has taught hundreds of improv classes to thousands of students and always brings an open mind and sharp sense of storytelling to the stage. A talented singer, actor, impersonator of all D&D monsters, lover of snow, Santa, and Wisconsin winters, Brad excels at improv guessing games as well as our more advanced brain- bending games such as Adjacent Spaces and ABC.