Sean Cairns
Sean bears the distinction of being fearlessly willing to do anything on stage. No really––no suggestion is too outrageous, as long as the scene needs it. He’s a committed, energetic player in hot pursuit of drawing out his “inner weird.” Expect grand choices, lots of physicality, and original characters with deep psychologies. Among other notable extra-curriculars, Sean is an advocate for non-Euclidean geometry and has built a stereo out of a suitcase.
Sean bears the distinction of being fearlessly willing to do anything on stage. No really––no suggestion is too outrageous, as long as the scene needs it. He’s a committed, energetic player in hot pursuit of drawing out his “inner weird.” Expect grand choices, lots of physicality, and original characters with deep psychologies. Among other notable extra-curriculars, Sean is an advocate for non-Euclidean geometry and has built a stereo out of a suitcase.