In this class we looked at some classic improv longforms, such as The Harold, The Spokane, and The Monoscene. These forms will deepen your skills in scene weaving, thematic exploration, runs on topics, and character and relationship development.
Noah Abrahamson
Megan Baker
John Detloff
Evan Driscoll
Brian LaCarrubba
John Roth
Zoe Schirmer
Tyler Sullivan
Anumitha Venkatraman
Seating at 6:45pm, Show at 7:30pm.
@ Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center’s Yahara Room.
Many of our performance areas are small spaces with little air circulation. If you have any COVID or flu symptoms, or test positive, please stay home to keep others safe. Just notify us of the situation, and we’ll be happy to refund you the tickets.
Contact for any questions.